Monday, March 22, 2010


So I hadn't posted in a while because things were so crazy with the Olympics. I thought I would return and show off our fabulous invites. However, they are perfectly useless now.....our venue burned down. To the ground.
We just found out today and were told that it's going to take them six months to rebuild. However, the wedding is three months away - the math just doesn't add up. So we - along with sixty other couples - are now scrambling to find alternate locations. It's incredibly frustrating to have to go through this whole process again, especially since we may have to rearrange or scrap parts of the wedding altogether.

Sigh. This is the last thing we needed at this point amidst last minute details and home renovations. But who knows....maybe we'll wind up with an even more fabulous wedding! One can only hope.

I'll keep you all posted!

UPDATE: One thing I would like to add, thanks to the army of people trying to help us find new venues. I know emails are flying left right and centre, phones are dialing and ringing off the hook, favours are being called in, all for us, so thanks. :) Snoopy and I really appreciate it. -G