Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Wonderful Maaaaagical Animal!

What's the most magical animal you can think of? Some may think it's something like a Unicorn. But if you really think about it, it's just a weird horse with an odd growth on it's head. For me (and others), the pig is arguably the most magical animal. We can obtain bacon, pork chops, ribs, all from this one very generous creature. So, if having pieces of it is so awesome, combining it all must be even awesomer :) That's right, roast the sucker whole. For Chinese people and those living in Vancouver it's not really something new since it is a common sight to see them hanging from the windows of Chinese BBQ places. Porky is on the right.

So what does this have to do with the wedding? Traditionally, before the wedding, the groom's family sends the bride's family a roast pig accompanied by other gifts such as pastries and money. The deliverer is a relative who has been selected based on various criteria such as the number of boys they have and if their parents are still living. My awesome Uncle Jack and Auntie Doreen will be our pig standard bearers since they have Boo. Once they have delivered the gifts and taken everything inside, Tank will cut the off the head and tail. Snoopy's mom will package that up, along with a couple of the pastries for Boo's parents to take it back to my house. Should prove to be an exciting event since Tank has been practicing his sword technique for weeks!

What happens next you ask? You eat! Eat, enjoy, eat some more and pass out from sheer porky awesomeness :)

The Big Day(s) - UPDATED!

Hi All! I recently realized that I never posted an updated schedule post-fire. Here it is! Please read and commit to memory!
  • Date: June 3, 2010
    When: 7 pm
    What: Ladies Party
    Where: The Grand Taj
    Who: Snoopy's friends & family, and women of Grick's family
    Details: There will be buffet style dinner and dancing. I have no idea of any entertainment or the program since this is a party being thrown "for" me. For details, see P & A.
  • Date: June 4, 2010
    When: TBA
    What: Bachelorette
    Where: TBA
    Who: Please check your email for invites!
    Details: P is organizing and has sent evite!
  • Date: June 6, 2010
    When: 4 pm
    What: Maiyan
    Where: My uncle's house
    Who: Snoopy's family
    Details: My uncle wanted to host a wedding function for me at his house so we'll be doing the first official maiyan there on Sunday afternoon! Thanks to my awesome Thari Chacha! :)
  • Date: June 8, 2010
    When: 6 pm
    What: Mehndi
    Where: Snoopy's house
    Who: Snoopy's family and friends, Girls of Grick's family
    Details: This is going to be a small and very low-key function with no required attendance :) If you want to have mehndi done or just want to see what it's all about, come on by!
  • Date: June 9, 2010
    When: 6 pm
    What: Maiyan/Pig Party
    Where: Snoopy's House
    Who: Snoopy's family and friends
    Details: This will be the official maiyan at my house. This will also be the day of the pig party, which Grick will explain in the next post. :)
  • Date: June 10, 2010
    When: 6 pm
    What: Choorah
    Where: Snoopy's House
    Who: Snoopy's immediate friends & family
    Details: The night before the wedding will be the choorah at Snoopy's house.
  • Date: June 11, 2010
    When: 9 am
    What: Sikh Wedding Ceremony
    Where: Guru Nanak Niwas Gurdwara
    Who: All invitees
    Details: Breakfast and lunch provided - be on time! :)
  • Date: June 11, 2010
    When: 2 pm
    What: Chinese Tea Ceremony
    Where: Grick's House
    Who: Grick's family and Snoopy's immediate family
    Details: Grick will explain tea ceremony in another post.
  • Date: June 11, 2010
    When: 7 pm
    What: Reception
    Where:La Terrazza Restaurant
    Who: All invitees
    Details: Cocktail hour begins at 7pm - be on time if you don't want to miss out! :)
Well, that's it! Your typical Indo-Chinese Wedding! :)